Having a Safe and Fun Halloween

Having a Safe and Fun Halloween

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It’s hard entertaining keiki during Covid-19. For months, we have lived adjusted lives, often in isolation, where the group activities that bring us joy have been put on indefinite pause. The days can blur in and out, and many in our community are feeling the underlying stress and sadness of pandemic negativity.

For keiki especially these are intense changes that are happening. We are proud of how resilient families can be under these difficult times. Parents face challenges with education, childcare, making rent and feeling calm during uncertainty. Neighborhood Place of Puna is here for you to kokua with rental and mortgage assistance, shelter, zoom classes, and check-ins for family strengthening and emotional well-being.

Enjoying simple pleasures and trying to keep a sense of normalcy can be a good coping strategy when we are able, especially while caring for young keiki. The fall season and holidays upon us are no exception. As we’ve seen rises in cases, adjusting our celebrations will be especially important this season.

That’s why we’re sharing resources this month for a fun and safe Halloween, and we encourage you to subscribe to our social media channels where we’ll be sharing “13-Days of Halloween” activities and tips for you and your keiki starting Monday, October 19th. 

Subscribe to our networks for a daily craft, recipe, or activity this season to enjoy with your child.




Please check out and share these state guidelines for safe Halloween celebrations:


DOH Halloween guidelines 

View lower, moderate, and higher risk Halloween activities recommended by the CDC.

While many of us are focused on the basics, let’s also make time for a little reprieve and joy with our families and friends this season. There are many ways to feel connected while remaining physically apart.