When you give to Neighborhood Place of Puna, you help to provide a safe place for families with young children to discover opportunities for growth, healing, learning, and personal development.
3 Fun Ways to Give This Holiday Season
This holiday season, we’re putting the fun in fundraiser and making giving back easier than ever with three exciting ways for you to make a difference. Whether you’re a seasoned supporter or joining us for the first time, there are meaningful ways for you to get involved this year with the launch of three campaigns: Other Ways To Give
Would you like to make a donation in a different way than those fundraisers? Consider making a general donation to Neighborhood Place of Puna! When you donate to Neighborhood Place of Puna you are making a significant impact on keiki and families in your community. Neighborhood Place of Puna continues to be one of the very few non-profits in Puna that families can turn to for ongoing help. Your tax-deductible donations not only increases our ability to provide supportive services to families in need, but ensures that local families find hope and opportunities to thrive.
Your donation makes a significant difference to East Hawaiʻi families.
You can make a larger impact by becoming a monthly sponsor and making your donation a sustainable one! Just check “yes” below.
To make a cash or check donation, make checks payable to:
Neighborhood Place of Puna and mail to:
16-105 Opukaha’ia St.
Kea’au, HI 96749

Providing The Essentials
Essential hygiene supplies like toothpaste, soap, masks etc. are always needed! Your in-kind donations go directly to our Family Resource Center members. These supplies are donated to our families each month so that they can focus on helping their family thrive!
Visit our Amazon Wishlist here.