Happy Women’s History Month!
Women, and especially women of color, are disproportionately affected by the economic and social challenges. Often women are more likely to take on roles as caretakers for children or sick family members. The closures of schools and workplaces has left many women caring for children unable to seek new employment.
Some analysts are calling the disproportionate impacts on women’s health and finances a “she-cession”. As an agency serving families, we recognize and stand in solidarity with issues of community inequity.
At Neighborhood Place of Puna we help families navigate tough financial and familial circumstances. Prior to the pandemic, we already served many families headed by single moms. Single moms (and single parents more generally) are more often in difficult financial situations than families with more support from other adults.
We’re proud of our support networks at NPP and offer our solidarity to working moms and parents who are juggling countless more responsibilities than we have in the past. Hawaii’s economic struggles were difficult before the pandemic, and these changes in our “new normal” have increased some challenges especially for women and single moms.
If you are a parent in need of additional support services please check out our Family Resource Center today. The Family Resource Center is a central hub of services families can go to for basic supplies like clothing and diapers, parenting classes, and free family and keiki therapy. We all need a little extra help.
We are grateful to have resources to offer our community members working hard to get by.
Watch Executive Director Paul Normann’s latest video about the ALICE report here.
And please visit the housing coalition website, Community Alliance Partners at communityalliancepartners.org during this legislative season. Local families need your help to ensure funding for social services into the future. Help us advocate for affordable housing and economic justice during challenging times.
Happy Women’s History Month! Thank you for being part of our community and for supporting our work towards family stability and social equality in Hawai’i.