HHF 2023 Impact Report

Hawai'i County Homelessness and Housing Fund
Impact Report: May 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023

Total Individual Encounters: 3,088*

Identified as Unsheltered Homeless
Identified as Unstably Housed
Identified as Stably Housed
Unknown Housing Status at Time of Encounter

*3,088 – The number 3,088 is considered a duplicated number in the context of counting individuals based on services received. This means that an individual may be counted multiple times indicating that an individual has received multiple services. This duplication can occur due to various factors such as different service providers, types of programs, or overlapping service periods.

*Unstably Housed – Unstably Housed includes encountered individuals who identified their housing status as either Unstably Housed (at 60 days or less to Homelessness), Imminent Risk (at 14 days or less to Homelessness) or Sheltered Homeless (actively in an emergency shelter, recovery housing or program housing).

Demographics For Encounters


Native Hawaiian
Pacific Is.*

*Other – Race Other inlcudes demographics for individuals who are American Indian, Alaska Native, African American, Latino/Hispanic, Preferred Not To Answer, and Data Unknown at Tme of Encounter.

*Pacific Is – Includes demographics for individuals who identify as Pacific Islander, exclusive of Native Hawaiian. Pacific Islander can include Samoan, Guamania/Chamorro, Fijian, Tongan, Marshallese, Micronesian. 

Types of Services Received Per Encounter

The total number of individual encounters in relation to receiving the service of “street medicine” is 520. These encounters were submitted by Hawai’i Island Community Health Center (HICHC) in relation to the HI Island Street Medicine Program. The HI Island Street Medicine Program caters to individuals experiencing homelessness in Hawai’i County. The program serves both established patients within HICHC and those who are not yet connected to their healthcare system, addressing their medical, mental and emotional needs directly where they are located. Outcomes of Street Medicine can include medical care, wound care, medical care coordination, medication refills, beahvioral health and referrals. 

The total number of individual encounters in relation to receiving the service of “showers” is 1,583. These encounters were submitted by Project Vision Hawai’i in relation to their Increasing Access to Care With Street Medicine Project. The Increasing Access To Care project brings healthcare services for houseless populations and is an extension of the Mobile Hygiene program that has been in operation since 2019. Outcomes of “showers” include access to hot showers, toilet facilities, and other referrals. 

The total number of individual encounters in relation to receiving the service of “sheltered homeless program” is 758. These encounters were submitted by multiple community partners such as Big Island Substance Abuse Council (BISAC), HOPE Services Hawai’i, Bridge House, Going Home Hawai’i, Lokahi Treatment Centers and Mental Health Kokua. Each of these agencies have projects and/or programs in relation to providing low-barrier supportive housing. 

The total number of individual encounters in relation to receiving the service of “housing navigation” is 227. These encounters were submitted by multiple community partners such as Neighborhood Place of Puna, The Salvation Army and Habitat For Humanity. Each of these agencies have projects and/or programs in relation to providing housing support services to help reduce the number of families, individuals and keiki experiencing or at-risk of experiencing homelessness.

For more information on the HHF program, please visit the
County of Hawai’i’s Homelessness and Housing Fund Page