The fiscal year 2023-2024 has been a transformative period for Neighborhood Place of Puna, marked by significant strides in community building and the launch of impactful new programs. As we step into a new fiscal year, which began on July 1st, our dedication to supporting families and preventing homelessness in Hawaii County has never been stronger.
Our Mission: Family Support and Community Strength
The projects we’ve worked on are tied to our mission, which is twofold – a focus on family and a focus on strengthening and building community. We know that parenting alone is challenging, and that the strength of a community lies in its support for one another. Helping families raise children in a safe, stable, and nurturing home involves supporting a strong community that can help families.
That’s why we have expanded our family strengthening program through our Family Resource Center, which is the heart of the work that NPP does – to ensure families thrive. We take a holistic approach to supporting families, whether they need emergency shelter, diapers, parenting support, or assistance with home dynamics, we tailor our programs to meet the unique needs of each individual family. On the community side, the work we do is focused on building community partnerships to address homelessness in Hawaii County.
Three Transformative Programs Launched
NPP launched three programs last year that have enhanced our ability to support families and prevent homelessness in our community:
Hawai’i County Homeless Engagement Hui
The Hawai’i County Homeless Engagement Hui (HCE) was initiated in August 2023. This collaborative effort brings together multiple nonprofit organizations and volunteers to engage with individuals and households experiencing homelessness across the island. Through weekly engagements, we provide essential support and resources, helping our neighbors transition from homelessness to stability.
The Coordination Center
The Coordination Center has become a vital hub for individuals seeking assistance. The Coordination Center is a centralized place one can call to find out about resources and programs in the community to address their needs, with an emphasis on housing resources. Over the past fiscal year, we received 1,375 calls, serving 628 families and addressing 2,429 requests. We provided 4,278 referrals, connecting our community members with essential services. The top assistance requests were for rent and utility assistance (527), housing navigation for those in unstable housing (503), housing navigation for the literally homeless (241), and emergency shelter (240). These numbers reflect the critical role the Coordination Center plays in addressing immediate needs and guiding individuals toward long-term solutions.
Pathways to Excellence in Practice Program
This program brings together service providers to enhance our collective ability to respond to community needs with a high level of skill, training, and compassion. By fostering community collaboration and continuous improvement, we ensure that every interaction with our organization is grounded in empathy and effectiveness.
Looking Ahead
Our efforts over the past year highlight the connection between family stability and community resilience. By addressing homelessness directly and providing robust support to families, we are working towards creating a community where child and family homelessness is unacceptable. By doing so, we believe we can end family homelessness in Hawaii County.
Join Us in Our Mission
As we look forward to another year of impactful work, we invite you to join us in this mission. Whether through volunteering, donating, or simply spreading the word about our programs, your support is crucial. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every family and individual in our community has the resources they need to thrive.